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  • Who can participate?
    In the YES Academy can participate singers and pianists that are residents of EU and apply together as a Lied-Duo. Age limit is 18-30 years old. The applicants must have a residence in one of the partnership countries: Slovenia, France or Germany.
  • General terms and conditions
    General terms of the project Attendance at all 3 modules and ensuing full programme. The registration fee is 150.00 EUR, which is paid to the bank account of the PerArtem Institute within 14 days after receiving the notification of selection. Accommodation, meals, and programme are covered by Erasmus+. All participants are accommodated in twin rooms (hotel or apartment - according to availability). Every participant will get three meals a day, including dinner on the night of arrival. All dietary requirements will be respected and must be communicated to the organizer when applying for the project. The official language of the training is English. Applicants will arrange travel to the venue of the training by themselves. Exact travel costs will be reimbursed up to the lump sum of Erasmus+ programme considering the distance between your organization and the place of the project. Standard travel (flight): 100-499km = max 180€, 500-1999km = max 275€ Sustainable travel (train, bus, car sharing): 100-499km = max 210€, 500-1999km = max 320€
 The participant is entitled to reimbursement of actual costs of his or her transport for the distance between the place of his or her residence and the place of the activity. The reimbursement is based on submission of original tickets or their scans with clear indication of the price and currency paid for the cheapest transport by scheduled public means. The amount of reimbursement of the travel costs might be limited by nominal value, by % share of total actual costs or by both. Conditions are specified in the call for participants or agreed on before activity. The eligible amount of actual costs for reimbursement is identified on the basis of submitted original tickets or scans with clearly marked price and currency paid or invoice stating the distance and price and currency paid as well as all boarding passes in case of use of an airplane. Dated, signed by the participant and scanned request and all supporting documents (tickets, invoices, boarding passes…) must reach the organizers’ e-mail within 30 days after the last day of the activity. Otherwise, the participant might lose the entitlement for reimbursement of his or her travel costs. In case of electronically submitted request, the participant must keep the originals for 5 years after the submitted date. In case of sending original documents, we recommend registered letters, since in case of loss of supporting original documents no reimbursement can be expected. Reimbursement of the travel will be carried out to an applicant’s BANK ACCOUNT after receiving a reimbursement form which will be provided by the organization (PerArtem). Cancelation policy: In case of cancelation one month before the activity (before 21. 7. 2023) 100 % of the application fee is reimbursed. Otherwise, the entire registration fee shall be kept.
 Privacy statement Consent to the processing of personal data, visitor rights By sending a message via the contact form and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1 and ZVOP-2) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), I voluntarily give my explicit consent to the Kulturno umetniški Zavod Perartem, Ars Augusta and Ateliers Misuk, as the manager, to collect and process personal data obtained from using the contact form. This may be done for the purpose of: conducting the training. The PerArtem may contact me by e-mail or telephone in connection with the training organization.
 By registering for the training, I agree with the stated conditions and confirm that I am aware of my rights regarding the transmitted personal data and that I have in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1, ZVOP-2) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the right to: request access to my personal data, demand the correction or deletion of my personal data or restrictions on the processing concerning me, and that I have the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability, revoke the given consent at any time by notification by e-mail and/or by following the instructions on the “unsubscribe page“ with a link that is also part of each sent message, lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner. By agreeing to the terms of the application, I confirm that I am also aware of the following: that the manager will process my personal data exclusively for the above purposes until cancelation, that no automated decision-making takes place on the basis of the information provided, that my personal data is kept until revoked.

  • How does it work?
    In order to take part in the YES - Young Europe Sings, all candidates must observe: 1. Application and selection: By April 21st, 24:00h send required documents to the e-mail address and submit the online application. Required documents: 1. Artistic CV with information about your studies and professional experience 2. A letter of motivation 3. An artistic photo in digital form 4. Links to two demo video with art song performance. Both performers must be seen on the recording. + submitted online application Jury of YES will select 9 duos that will be admitted to participate in the full YES Academy. 2. Conditions after selection: All candidates must participate in all 3 modules. Participation in only one or two modules is not possible. Each participant needs to cover the participation fee of 150 EUR within 2 weeks after receiving a positive answer. 3. Dissemination Each duo will receive fund-support in order to organise a public concert with the help of YES organization. Each participant will sign a contract with the organizers of YES. Read also "General terms and rules"
  • Where and when will take places the workshops?
    The Academy consists of three masterclasses which are going to take place in three countries between February 2023 and January 2025. First Module: Slovenj Gradec in Slovenia, August 21st - 27th, 2023 Second Module: Görlitz in Germany, January 11th - 17th, 2024 Third Module: Poitiers in France, August 27th - September 2nd, 2024
  • What can a student learn?
    The modules will include individual teaching and group workshops with the following themes: 1. Interpretation of art song repertoire 2. Diction and performance 3. Stage presence 4. Basis for self management and preparation for the concert career

  • How to apply?
    Application deadline is April 21st, 24:00h. Duos of singers and pianists based in Slovenia, Germany and France and age between 18 and 30 years old, can apply by sending e-mail to with following documents: 1. Artistic CV with information about your studies and professional experiences: in one PDF for the singer and the pianist. 2. A letter of motivation 3. Two artistic photos in digital form (one for the singer and one for the pianist). 4. Links to two demos of video - recordings. All documents have to be written in english. At the same time they have to fill in the online application forms (for the singer and the pianist). Jury of YES will admit 9 duos to participate in full YES academy.
  • Which are the Objectives of "Young Europe Sings"?
    Objectives: The project is created as cooperation between three cultural societies in Slovenia, Germany and France with specialization in the art of Lied-Singing. "Young Europe Sings" intends to create and promote the new business model, as well as to strengthen the activities of organizations in the arts. 18 young people from France, Germany and Slovenia will be chosen after an audition which is going to take place in every of the three partner countries. The project will also encourage the development of relevant skills and innovations in culture related to the implementation of the specifics of Art song literature, and will support the participants in entering the labor market and continuing their career development. Implementation: The project implements 3 training modules that will take place in all partner countries. Each module will deal with the different topics of performing Lied from different perspectives and will cover the important contents of cultural management and career development. As part of the training modules, concerts by young musicians and lecturers will be held for a wider audience. Multiple events of participants will follow with support of mentors in order to use acquired knowledge and skills. Results: "Young Europe Sings" connects cultural and artistic actors in the local and international environment, that includes in their activity's education and concert events. It will impact the strengthening of the capacity of the organizations involved in the project, enable the mobility of young musicians and train/strengthen the participants so that they can more decisively and purposefully join the labor market. An educational model includes intensive mentoring support by established musicians.
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